Burn permits will be issued starting November 15, 2021 and will be valid from December 1, 2021 until April 30, 2024
All fields on the application are required to be filled in. A valid email address is required, as the permit will be emailed as an attached PDF once the application is approved (this may take up to 72 hours). Burn Permits are issued for all property located within the Mid Coast Fire Brigade jurisdiction.
If you do not have a county issued address for the property that you would like to conduct a burn contact 831-625-8175. You must obtain a separate permit for each physical location (address) that you will want to burn. Permits will only be issued to property owners.
If you are unsure about whether your property is within the Mid-Coast area of responsibility or have further questions, please call the Brigade at the above number. Our area is located in the North Central Coast-Coastal Zone. Click here to view the MBUAPCD map.
Burn Permits are issued for three years free of charge. You must readily have your permit available when burning. Please keep your email in a safe place. All requests for a copy of the permit for subsequent years will incur a $20.00 administrative fee payable prior to the permit being issued.
Complete the form below to apply for a burn permit.
This Burn Permit is valid only if all of the following conditions are met:
This burn permit may be revoked, suspended, or terminated for violation of any condition specified or when necessary for public safety by the Mid Coast Fire Brigade, Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, Cal-Fire, or law enforcement agencies.
Burn Day Status – Fires are only allowed on permissive burn days, as determined by the Air Resources Board pursuant to Section 41855 of the Health & Safety Code or by the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (MBUAPCD). To determine burn status, call 1-800-225-BURN (2876) anytime after 4:00 p.m. the day prior to your planned burn. We are in the North Central Coast - Coastal Zone. If it is a permissive burn day then:
Call the Fire Brigade after 7:00 am at 625-8175 to ensure that Mid Coast Fire Brigade has not suspended burning due to weather conditions. If it is a permissive burn day for the Mid Coast Fire Brigade area then leave your name, permit number, contact phone number and address of the permitted burn before you light your burn pile.
Burning is allowed from 7:00 am until 5:00 pm. Fires need to be extinguished by dark.
Piles cannot be larger than 4' x 6'
A line to bare mineral earth a minimum of 18" wide must be cut around the burn pile.
Water must be readily available at the burn pile with sufficient quantity to extinguish the fire should your fire escape.
You must be in attendance of your fire at all times.
You can only burn natural vegetation grown on your property that is properly dried.
You cannot burn residential trash or “backyard” waste, plastics, petroleum products, petroleum wastes, construction and demolition debris; tires; or motor vehicle bodies and parts.
Remember if your fire escapes you can be held responsible for all costs associated with suppression of the fire, and burning outside of the regulations set forth by MBUAPCD which can also result in large fines.